Sunday, March 28, 2010
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Jonas Meets D6
Friday, March 19, 2010
I love having my mom's help because she...
a. knows how yucky it feels to wear maternity clothes after the baby is born so she bought me new clothes that fit
b. has been brave enough to tackle three night shifts with baby Jonas... in a row!
c. is teaching me homemaking skills like making buns and sewing (areas in which my skills are very underdeveloped)
d. all of the above
Definitely d. Two weeks ago I didn't think I would need any help when I had my baby. A few sleepless nights later I was humbled and now I am grateful for any help I can get. I have THE best mom in the world.
Sunday, March 14, 2010
One Week
So much has changed in the past week. For one, I feel like a grown-up now. Matt and I's induction into parenthood has had its challenges as well as its joys and they have stretched us in ways that only having child could. We even look older now- a bit more careworn and something I can't quite describe has changed in our expressions. A small part of me looks longingly at the stage of life that has passed- it looks so carefree and spontaneous. Matt and I don't catch quite as many moments of being together, but the ones we do have seem more precious. My love has increased for Matt as I watched him love and care for our son. I love this kind and gentle man and our little boy so fiercely it kind of hurts. I feel grateful to have a Heavenly Father who knows me perfectly and who has trusted me with the care of this special spirit. I am in awe of the responsibility I have to learn and grow into a better parent and a better person but I feel a strong sense of his love and confidence in me that I can rise to the challenge. Being a mother to Jonas has brought so much joy into my life and I could never want to go back to life one week ago.

Saturday, March 13, 2010
Hospital Pictures
Jonas came out squawking like an angry parrot. Mom and Dad Harker knew the instant he was born because they could hear him from the end of the hospital hall. It was an amazing feeling to have a full grown baby laid across my stomach. We instantly felt like we belonged to each other and Jonas seemed to recognize my voice right away.
Everyone says Jonas looks like me- and he is quite Stoddard with his big hands/feet and long fingers/toes. He undoubtedly has my funny protruding upper lip and Matt's folded ears. I'll have to wait before I can decide about that cute nose though.
This is Dad after a rough first night- we'd only slept two hours.
This was taken right before we took Jonas home from the hospital on Tuesday afternoon. We were so excited to show him his new home!
Friday, March 12, 2010
Poor baby Jonas can't seem to stay away from the hospital this week. We stayed an extra day after the requisite 24 hours because his bilirubin levels were high but not quite high enough to qualify for jaundice. So then we were allowed to come home for a day and half before being re-admitted yesterday morning because his levels had increased. He was such a good little sport about it though and after 24 hours under the blue lights he is doing better so we are home again. Hopefully we can stay here, his bilirubin levels need to be tested again tomorrow.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
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