Thursday, June 21, 2012


The rocket swing. 
Jonas will (and has!) gone for hour long swings on this provided there are very patient adults around.

The classic summer buzz. 

This was the order the photos were taken in so I guess Rhett decided he liked Jonas' game after all?

What did it take to get Jonas to learn his colors? 
Playing a game with colored pieces of foam where he drove the colored cars to their matching "parking lot" and named the color.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

I love this land

One of the qualities I admired most in Grandpa Harland and continue to admire in my Dad and Jonas is their deep love for the land. I feel like that gift of being able to be still and silent, to be able to draw strength and solace from nature makes us kindred spirits. Drinking in the peace and beauty of views like these this weekend at the farm renewed my spirits and gave me much needed time to be alone with my thoughts. It reminded me to strip more of what doesn't really matter from my life so I have more of that peace with me daily.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Them's My Boys

Watching planes in our backyard is one of Jonas' favorite things to do. 
The evidence: he actually sits still to do it.

 Aunt Mamy as Jonas calls her was a favorite with all the boys. Jonas loved getting her undivided attention and the babies loved falling asleep on her. She has so much more patience than me! 
She's such a motherly soul and she's only 19.
Kids literally just gravitate to her.

 Telling secrets in the corner.

 Yawns are extra contagious for twins.

 Remember that picture when smug Rhett was tickling Harland and he was crying. 
This was Harland's revenge- boxing Rhett's ears.

These were just taken.
This is what my babies look like today at 17 weeks.
They are only regular baby weights at 8.5 and 8.75 pounds. 
Rhettle-bottom has overtaken Harland as the heftier twin but Harland has still got an inch height advantage.