Jonas kept repeating over and over in a matter-of-fact voice "He's a sad mouse."
Poor Harland.
I had to ditch the costume right away.
Then as we were preparing to go to the mall he finally saw enough of the rest of us happily settled in our costumes he decided to try it.
Jonas requested a red puppy and apparently I delivered.
I took 5 minutes to cut out some felt ears and safety pin them to a red hoodie and he could not stop gazing delightedly at himself in the mirror.
Later I took a ribbon and a hot glue gun to make a collar (because I'm hardcore like that) and he told me it was a "cool costume".
It was so sweet.
He was thrilled with my slacker mom costume skills (I think I was still burnt out from last year).
Rhett as Tigger.
As soon as Harls ditched the Mickey Mouse costume Rhett was desperate to have a second costume.
He cannot get enough dress-up, this guy.
At the mall with Aunt Karen, Eva, Tommy , Laura, Ashton and Renne.
We were almost the only trick-or-treaters at a small mall I'd never been to in Lethbridge.
It was brilliant.
I have been eating only unprocessed food the last five days so not a single treat for me.
I consoled myself with homemade baked salt and vinegar chips.
These were intense, in the best sort of way.