Sunday, November 21, 2010

Humiliation Galore

Ever since the end of my second trimester I have suffered some pretty horrific short term memory loss- a point that is especially touchy with me because I've always been a little proud of my memory power. I've had numerous experiences over the last year that been humbling and frankly humiliating. Most recently over the past couple weeks I have: been stuck in a gas station parking lot because Gary wouldn't start (I turned the vehicle off when it was in drive instead of park), lost my $500 stroller (I think I loaded Jonas up and just drove out of the mall parking lot without packing up my stroller- or it was stolen the day I forgot to close the garage door) and on Friday I was a no show at my visit teaching appointment because- surprise- I forgot.

Good thing I have already finished my degree?


  1. Sleep deprivation? I have had similar experiences since Eva was born!
