Sunday, March 27, 2011


In school I always wished (in despair) that a school uniform would be instituted. The idea of a "uniform" or an outfit you wear everyday fascinates me. I loved this blog comment I came across recently:

Another wardrobe concept possibly of interest to the minimalist is the creation of one’s own personal “uniform”. A few years ago my local newspaper covered such a man who created his own personal work uniform. He called it “the uni”. He bought several exactly identical outfits and wore the same thing to work every single day for six months. He created a new look twice a year – his new uni “reveal” days became a big deal to his co-workers; even the local press’s fashion columnist started covering his reveal day every six months! Contrary to what some might think, this man was very fashionable and his chosen style was very current. He simply realized that he wasted a great deal of time deciding what to wear each morning and wanted to get on with the rest of life. The article said that at first it took his co-workers or clients a while to realize that he was wearing the same thing everyday. I’ve been mulling over this concept for a while; I haven’t integrated it yet, but it is definitely a possibility!

I found this story so funny but at the same time I'd love to try a less strict version of this. Perhaps more along the lines of a capsule wardrobe (a core12 pieces) in addition to another capsule that gets rotated according to season (F/W and S/S). When I was a teenager my Dad told me in all earnestness that a person was perfectly capable with getting by on two outfits, which I found hilarious at the time. Two outfits is a little spartan for my tastes but I really don't need a lot of clothes. For instance, my Mom bought me a nice simple cotton black wrap dress six years ago. What I didn't foresee at that moment was that I would wear it to every wedding, funeral and often to church over the next years. It is well made, fits perfectly (it's a-line so it has graciously accommodated my weight fluctuations), flattering, and has a timeless silhouette, so it's had a lot of staying power. It's been the only dress in my closet for over a year and unless I find the perfect pencil or shift dress it's not going to have any company!

1 comment:

  1. Hey I tried calling you yesterday... but your phone was busy. I wanted to talk about the tri. I've been a total lame bum lately.. too many cake pops or something... Have you signed up yet? I keep getting so anxiety ridden about it... just worried and what not. Thought talking about it with you would make me feel braver.
