Thursday, July 28, 2011

You're a wizard 'arry!

Matt and I had a Harry Potter party a week ago. Unfortunately we were too caught up in the party to take any pictures but one so here are some of the pictures from our Honeydukes Muggle Tested Treats poster:
Mindy Muggle

Marty Muggle

Ton-Ton Toffee

Acid Pops

Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Bean

Nosebleed Nougat

Gryffindors won our Madam Malkin Robe contest by a landslide. Each team had a bag of supplies to construct a Wizard or Witch costume. We also had a sorting, Hogwarts feast, game of Quidditch and transfigured playdough into Harry Potter shapes. We finished the night by watching the last HP movie in theatres. It was a really fun night despite the fact that we had 20 adults packed into our living room on a hot humid evening. I have to admit that it will probably be a while before Matt and I get up the energy to host another party! It was really a lot of work!

1 comment:

  1. You guys did such a good job, very impressed when you do something it is definitely done right.
