Sunday, January 20, 2013

Baby Steps

Nearly every Tuesday for the last four months my sister-in-law Karen and I have looked like this.

This is what is we do immediately after a brutal forty-five minute spin class.

Then on Thursdays we go to a yoga class our Stake President's wife offers in the Relief Society room of our church. This is not your slow-paced zen kind of yoga class. This is a feel your muscles quake and watch the beads of sweat fall from your forehead onto your mat kind of yoga class.

So in the interest of baby steps, this year I'd like to add another day of exercise into my week every four months so that by the end of the year I am exercising five times a week.

This month I've added an hour coulee hike every week with one of besties Melissa. 

My exercise plan is genius so far because I look forward to working out those three days every week!

Monday, January 7, 2013

Approaching Zion

I pulled out "Approaching Zion" last night and index cards full of notes I made last time I read it fell out. And reading those notes took me back to where I was spiritually two years ago. And it was jarring to see that by relaxing my guard in some areas ever so gradually I could now clearly see that my heart had travelled further from Christ. I had an overwhelming sense of mourning because I realized I had lost something precious. My standards for movies and media has relaxed, my scripture study has been treated more lightly and my heart has been set more on the things of the world.

I feel like I am not devoting my energies enough to what will eternally bear fruit. I am not bold enough in my stand for what is virtuous, lovely, of good report and praiseworthy. And I am not the example I want my children to see. 

"Sin is waste. It is doing one thing when you should be doing other better things for which you have the capacity". (Next to which I wrote there are no innocent, idle thoughts)

"One forsakes sin completely or does not forsake it".

On money- "it seals up the heavens and closes the mind to revelation, takes possession of the heart and darkens the spirit, it works by deception, bewitching the nations, it paralyzes the minds perception of higher things".

"When I see this people grow and prosper I feel there is more danger than when they are in poverty. Being driven from city to nothing compared to the danger of becoming rich and being hailed by outsiders as a first-class community". -Brigham Young

"We are trying to be the image of those who live in heaven; we are trying to pattern after walk and talk like them, to deal like them, and build up the kingdom of heaven as they have done".

"Shall we now seek to make ourselves wealthy in gold and silver and the possessions which the wicked love and worship, or shall we with all of our might, mind, and strength seek diligently first to build up the Kingdom of God? Let us decide on this, and do the one thing or other".

"Those who believe and obey the Gospel of the Son of God forsake all for its interests, belong to the kingdom of God, all the rest belong to the other kingdom".

Reading some Nibley (and Brigham Young) black-and-white, Babylon or Zion was very refreshing. There is no in between. The road to Zion is a steep uphill. There is no shortcut. It involves a struggle and if I am not striving and laboring to be a disciple of Christ then I know I have ventured off the straight and narrow. 

A movie with a good overall message but one evil scene is not okay. Spending thoughtless time in front of a computer screen when I can be doing better things is not okay.Wasting time wishing for nicer things when I have been blessed to have what I need is not okay. Mentally whining that life is so hard when I am entitled to Heavenly Father's help through personal revelation is not okay. Not speaking up for my standards to other people because I don't want them to think I'm being self righteous or judging them is not okay.  

And I really needed that reality check last night.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Someone's Not Excited...

that Rhett is a master crawler. And that person would be Harland.

Rhett will sometimes crawl over to him and then proceed to butt heads. Or sometimes he will crawl to Harland and take what he was playing with. Or he'll crawl over top of Harland to get to what he wants.

Poor Harland is taking it really hard lately that he can't crawl. Sometimes after trying so hard he'll just lay on his tummy and kick his legs as fast as he can in a last ditch effort to move forwards while he cries in frustration.

Rhett is precocious and he is always looking ahead to the next "big" baby milestone but Harland usually just revels in the moment of being a baby who is fed bottles and cuddled and saying "Mama". It softens the blow of my babies growing up so fast to be able to relish the "little" baby things a little longer with Harland.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

New Year, New Goals

This year I have one big goal which I will try to break down into "kaizen" or a series of small seemingly imperceptible steps towards a great overall change.

My goal is to slow down the pace of my life.

To "discover and treasure the beauty and the sweetness of the everyday moments".

To put things of eternal importance first in my life.