Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Someone's Not Excited...

that Rhett is a master crawler. And that person would be Harland.

Rhett will sometimes crawl over to him and then proceed to butt heads. Or sometimes he will crawl to Harland and take what he was playing with. Or he'll crawl over top of Harland to get to what he wants.

Poor Harland is taking it really hard lately that he can't crawl. Sometimes after trying so hard he'll just lay on his tummy and kick his legs as fast as he can in a last ditch effort to move forwards while he cries in frustration.

Rhett is precocious and he is always looking ahead to the next "big" baby milestone but Harland usually just revels in the moment of being a baby who is fed bottles and cuddled and saying "Mama". It softens the blow of my babies growing up so fast to be able to relish the "little" baby things a little longer with Harland.


  1. It's called the school of life...hard but essential lessons that we aren't all the same!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Ha! I love Harland's look of concern as Rhett topple over him, it just perfectly captures it all.

  4. Poor Harland! I bet Rhettles is getting himself into all sorts of mischief now that he's on the move!
