Monday, March 25, 2013


These two are getting so chummy now.

The like to follow each other around and stop for little adventures like standing up and banging on a box or emptying the baby dish drawer.
They smile at each other when they wake up and occasionally one of them will make the other laugh.
Sometimes they have a tug of war over a toy, which isn't new, but the result is 50/50 now that Harland is crawling like a maniac (and walking pushing a chair, high chair or his walker toy!)

Rhett was pushing Harland around on the car last night, it was super adorable!

And you may have noticed the top pictures are almost two months old! I'm really behind on my blogging.


  1. we have that same car. Macie loves going for rides on it.

  2. Hahaha! Rhett and Harls have finally teamed up! Cutest photo I've seen in a long time!

  3. I can hardly handle how cute this is! Let the shenanigans begin.

  4. Love these! What fun to see them being "buddies"!
