1. Work Hard, Play Hard. Dad doesn't do anything half-heartedly.
2. Family is the Most Important. Dad always puts his family first. He has always made time to do special things with each of my siblings and I. My favorite memories from my childhood are playing sports, like soccer, in the yard with Dad, going on bike rides by the North Saskatchewan River, and taking a few weeks off each year to camp during the summer.
3. Love of Nature. Anytime I come to visit, Dad already has some sort of outdoor expedition in the mountains or on a river planned for us to do. He is passionate about any type of outdoor activity. I definitely get my love of the outdoors from him and I can't wait to hike the West Coast Trail together this summer.
4. Have a Sense of Humor. Dad loves to makes wisecracks and to laugh really loud (anyone who has heard Dad laugh just once could identify that laugh anywhere, it is that unique). I remember hearing that laugh well, as I would fall asleep in my room as a kid, while Dad watched movies downstairs. Dad also loves to tease, a trait, Matt often informs me, I have inherited.
5. Be a Good Sport. Dad is a good sport about doing things he doesn't want to do if it will make someone in his family happy.
6. Take Vacations. Dad is good at separating work from his free time. When he is on vacation, he is on vacation and he doesn't waste a moment thinking about work. And he and mom plan such fun trips that it would probably be hard to think about work anyway. Our most epic vacation to date is the month we spent driving an old caravan (without AC) across Canada as we camped in every province (except Newfoundland).
7. Daily Scripture Study is Important. Every morning it is almost the first thing Dad does.
8. Be Smart. Dad's cool use of reason and logic make him the first person I go to, to talk about practical things, especially money matters. He is well-informed and very analytical. I probably married an engineer with those traits because I admire them so much in my Dad.
9. Be Humble. Dad never boasts about his super abilities.
10. Use Money Wisely. Dad buys only what he will use often, and then he uses it until it really won't work any longer. He spends his money carefully and never wastes (not even old, ripe tomatoes as Mom can attest to).
i love the pictures. uncle roy rocks! I have many memories of him giving us blessings and baptizing us. I can also attest to the great laugh- its for sure a party with Ibby, Roy and Brendy all laughing in the same room...
ReplyDeleteThat is so true Sarra! I wish the great laugh had been inherited by the next generation, but I don't think it was inherited by me or any of my siblings.