Friday, October 23, 2009


Parent teacher interviews are completed, the pain in my side is gone, my IV is out, and I can finally go back to getting my regular, blissful 8.5 hours of sleep a night. This was kind of a rough week but I have survived with nothing worse to show than bags under my eyes and a sore throat. The kids in my class were really relieved to see that the IV was out. When I came back to school at the end of the school day after an afternoon doctors appointment, they all rushed over to give me a hug and the girls to give my stomach a pat (I guess I should start getting used to the stomach touching because my stomach is starting to grow quickly and people are starting to tell me that I finally look pregnant). Everyday they would ask if the baby was okay, if my hand was hurting (whenever I was writing, typing, or generally moving at all) and look really concerned when they saw blood filling the tubes in my hand. They were really sweet, but it worried me that they were so worried despite my reassurances that I was feeling okay, and I was scared to take more than an afternoon off this week because I thought they might imagine the worst. Now hopefully I can avoid seeing medical professionals for a while, I think I have spent more time in a hospital these last two months than the rest of my life combined!


  1. Royall I am so glad to hear that everything is okay, I called Matt at his work today after I read your blog because I was so worried. I am sad we missed you guys on Sunday for dinner but more glad we did not get together, so you did not catch our sickness as well. It sounds like your kids are loving you to death which does not surprise me. Anyway feels like we have not seen you guys in forever, so maybe if you are feeling better by Sunday we could all get together for some fun times.

  2. Hi, It is so good to be able to keep up on your life through blogging. You are a very good writer as we have known for a long time. I imagine you as a wonderful teacher. Please continue to take good care. We love you all.
