- smiles and laughs especially when Matt and I say "Daddy's home!" in excited voices or I pretend to play the piano on him
- tries to copy the sounds Matt and I make and looks so proud of himself that he can "talk" with us
- stares intently at the chandelier and is interested in his reflection
- bats at the toys on his chair with his little fist, the ring rattle is his favorite
- kicks his legs like crazy and smiles when he hears the bath water running
- has a rock solid mini six pack when he flexes, well a two pack anyways (probably a product of good genes and pushing out a lot of gas!)
- he also has seriously hard leg muscles like his Dad
- has a long torso and long arms like me, and possibly my curly hair (his curls in the bath)
- likes to be supported around the waist while he holds his head up and sits, hops, squats, stands, or walks (such a smart boy, he has figured out how to take steps!)
- his favorite resting position is to lay across Matt or I with his tummy on ours
- looks hilarious first thing in the morning when he wants to be held, he smiles at me and wildly waves his arms around in his mitted sleepers
- licks his little fist like he's eating an ice cream cone
- weighs 11 pounds 1.5 oz., is 22.5" long, and has a head circumference of 39 cm
Royall I love these pics so cute, especially the one of Matt holding him with just his arm. I still can't believe you just had a baby, you look amazing.