Wednesday, July 7, 2010

4 Months

Dear Jonas,

You are already four months old! You grow so fast and yet I feel as if I have known you all my life. You are discovering new things everyday. The other day you discovered that if you folded your body in half like a suitcase it would allow you to suck on your big toe and yesterday you cooed at the ceiling lights at the pool as you floated contentedly on your back. You are fascinated by your ability to pull your soother and bottle out of your mouth and then (sometimes!) put them back in. You have also been learning that the more you try something difficult like tummy time or going to swim lessons, the easier and more enjoyable it becomes.

I'm discovering new things everyday too. Like how even though I wish I could stop your growth for just a moment sometimes, so I that I could take a little longer to enjoy you during each stage, that it is even better to watch you learn and grow and overcome difficulties. That the more you grow, the closer our hearts grow together.

I love you so much sweet boy!
