Thursday, December 16, 2010

Basics: Mastered

Jonas' Christmas present.
Our new Harker family tradition is to make homemade gifts for each other every year.
Matt's requested a crocheted ear flap toque... not sure my 'umble skills can deliver on that just yet.
My cowl I made, and made up.
At one point during this project Matt asked me what I was making.
My reply: "Whatever it looks like when the yarn runs out".
My Christmas present.
Sorry new winter boots- it looks like you've been pushed back yet another Christmas.
But seriously, the fact that Bethany's soles are so grippy and the boot so warm and waterproof practically makes these winter boots.

1 comment:

  1. Okay Royall you always look beautiful, but that pic with you in the green scarf, you seriously look like a model. Love the new boats and the sewing (I will say that word because I have no idea how to spell the other one) such a great job, they look awesome.
