Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Jonas' Room

I'm still working on my 31 day organization challenge but after the first twelve days I've switched to organizing finances instead spaces around the house. Jonas' room has been organized for a little while but we finally hung his artwork and organized the furniture how we liked it best this morning. Thinking about how soon Jonas would be in a bed today almost made me cry. He's not a baby anymore!

Matt's talented Mom made this darling quilt for Jonas' bed which is just like one Matty had when he was little. 

It still feels a little funny to me that Jonas' room doesn't have stripes anymore!

1 comment:

  1. I love Jonas' car mate my Grandma had one growing up and I loved playing with it anytime I went to visit. I know it is kind of a boy thing, but I so want to get one for Macie.
