Friday, July 6, 2012

My Baby Dog

Those big puppy dog eyes and chubby cheeks remind me of a baby bulldog!

Dear Harland is such a patient and emotionally resilient baby! He has not had an easy two and a half months of life but he doesn't hardly complain. If he's crying I know he's not just fussing, he's actually in pain. He's also a champion sleeper. He can fall into a deep sleep for hours longer than Rhett and then down a ton of milk all at once to have a reserve to hold him over a few more hours. 

He's very interested in studying his environment and he enjoys being alone sometimes, though he also enjoys the company of people, especially people he knows well. He has the sweetest smiles and the softest, happy coo that melts my heart. 

Both my boys are so different but they each complement our family beautifully.
Harland adds tranquility and Rhett adds vivacity.
These two are going to be the best of friends!

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