Friday, August 17, 2012


Here are the week's accomplishments:
  • Harland started giggling yesterday evening. I was talking to him and lightly tickling under his chin and he couldn't stop grinning and giggling in his cute little throaty voice.
  • Rhett has been reaching for things in front of him while doing tummy time. Yesterday he kept crinkling a wrapper in his hand to hear the noise over and over.
  • Both twins are asleep by 10 p.m. every night with Rhett waking up between 1:30-2 a.m. and champion sleeper Harland stretching out until 3:00-3:30 a.m.
  • I have had three naps this week! I love when my lucky stars align and all three boys sleep at the same time. 
  • Jonas has been talking a lot in complete sentences lately. It's so funny to hear him making sense of his world as he thinks aloud. Here are examples of some of the random one-liners and two-liners he pulls around here:
    • "Cars go...beep".
    • "Cupcakes are yummy".
    • "Ants are bugs".
    • "I'm poopy! It's a BIG one" (in his deep booming voice).
  • Jonas also knows pretty much every construction vehicle by sight: bulldozer, crane truck, roller, digger, excavator, bulldozer, flatbed truck, backhoe and concrete truck.
  • Jonas and I read books for 40 minutes straight two day ago and we read another 20 minutes later that same day. I love that he loves books right. I pretty much have choosing books that will interest him down to an art. One of his favorites lately is the "Gingerbread Man" which I read as "The Little Gingerbread Boy Cookie". This summer we've been going to the book bus as well as the library often (the bookmobile is big blue bus with a library built into it that parks in various places around the city).


  1. I love the I'm poppy it's a big one.

  2. yes, I love the 'poopy' one too. So funny! Of course he loves books Royall, cause you are his mom!
