Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Funny Water

I planned for Jonas to have a bath this morning . I had all his clothes off and he was going "pretend potty" (he's sat on his potty a lot but has never actually"gone" while on his potty). He was all ready to jump in when I remembered I needed to grab some clean laundry from the basement. I told Jonas I would be right back and ran downstairs. 

When I came up Jonas kept repeating "Funny water!" "Funny water!" as we walked towards the bathroom. Suddenly a thought occurred to me that drew me up short.

"Show me where" I said.

So Jonas pointed at a dripping wet mark on a basket in the kitchen bookcase which culminated in a puddle on the floor. 

When I heard him proudly declare "Spray!" I connected all the dots.

The funny water was urine and Jonas had discovered his hose.


  1. HAHA! He's not going to be going pretend potty anymore, he'll be using the potty for target practice!!!! Bring on the liquids and let the games begin!

  2. oh no I hope it didn't wreck anything. that is one of those funny and not funny moments all at the same time. Like today when I stubbed my toe and started jumping up and down and Macie laughed at me. How could I not smile, even though my toe was in huge pain.
