Monday, March 25, 2013

It's a Digger Party

"I'm a backhoe Mommy!"

Jonas painted his invites using his dump truck.

We had a lot family come: Mom and Dad Harker, Mom and Dad Stoddard, Karen, Matt, Eva, Beddy, Dallin, Jordan, Grandma Low, Nana and Aunty Tracy. That's a four adults to one child/baby ratio. Brilliant.

We played "pass the boulder", with the ridiculously long gummy snakes being the prize, and dug for party favors like play dough, cars, and chocolate coins.

Present time.

Tickling and serenading babies.

The dirt cake.

Jonas is 3!


These two are getting so chummy now.

The like to follow each other around and stop for little adventures like standing up and banging on a box or emptying the baby dish drawer.
They smile at each other when they wake up and occasionally one of them will make the other laugh.
Sometimes they have a tug of war over a toy, which isn't new, but the result is 50/50 now that Harland is crawling like a maniac (and walking pushing a chair, high chair or his walker toy!)

Rhett was pushing Harland around on the car last night, it was super adorable!

And you may have noticed the top pictures are almost two months old! I'm really behind on my blogging.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Jet Set

My favourite parts of the trip were the beautiful wedding sealing of my cousin Timothie to Evan and falling asleep next to Jonas each night in a twin bed. He would snuggle his warm little body close to mine and I would fall asleep listening to him hum and sing about the day.

One night he said "Snuggle me Mommy!" So I snuggled closer with an arm around him.

"Snuggle me like a puppy Mommy" he corrected.

That meant a two armed tight arm lock like he has on his stuffed puppy when he goes to sleep.

I love that boy.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Phoenix Zoo

Cowboy Town

 Mom, Dad, Jonas and I went to Old Tucson the first day we spent in Arizona. The last time Dad was there he was on his mission.

Baba and Jonas at the cowboy show. 
I had to take Jonas out because the stunt fighting was bothering Jonas.

A tall double scoop of cotton candy and banana nut later he was doing just fine.

With the local sheriff. He gave Jonas a badge and made him his deputy later at the Sheriff's office.

We rode old automobiles, trains, carousels and even a stage coach. 
Jonas firmly declined riding a horse however.

Excepting the stunt show and the cave mine tour (which turned out to be a horror house to Jonas and I's horror) it was a fun adventure.