Sunday, March 24, 2013

Jet Set

My favourite parts of the trip were the beautiful wedding sealing of my cousin Timothie to Evan and falling asleep next to Jonas each night in a twin bed. He would snuggle his warm little body close to mine and I would fall asleep listening to him hum and sing about the day.

One night he said "Snuggle me Mommy!" So I snuggled closer with an arm around him.

"Snuggle me like a puppy Mommy" he corrected.

That meant a two armed tight arm lock like he has on his stuffed puppy when he goes to sleep.

I love that boy.


  1. What a sweet boy! I dread the day that Eva doesn't want to snuggle with me anymore.

  2. This made me melt! What an adorable boy he is and what a sweet mom you are to him.

  3. How precious is that! Sweetness - I still have a note written by Mark that calls me his 'cuddly queen'. I love it so much:)
