Monday, June 24, 2013

The Heart Warming-est Things

Harls carrying the teddy my Dad gave me, on the day I was born, as he walks all over the house.
He is quite affectionate of that bear of late.

Jonas summative statement of his new bike:
"Two wheels. No pedals."
All uttered as fast as he can talk in a super excited voice.

Twin antics! And the sweetest guilty expression on Harl's face.
I came back from helping Jonas in the washroom to find these two on the window bench sampling all of the pears.
I'm sure Rhett started it.

Jonas' car sculpture.
He called it "windmill".
And he stood near the couch guarding it from the babies for the better part of the morning.

Watching Jonas share cars with his brothers.
And watching the twins driving cars over everything while making beefy engine noises.

The looks on Rhett's face at the Birds of Prey centre!
He was overcome with expressions of wonder at nearly every bird we saw!
This boy makes me laugh and laugh.

Feeding the ducks and then fleeing for our lives as the mob chased us down the path (there were so many ducks when they all amassed together, it truly was terrifying).

Rhett petting Basil, the burrowing owl, with his perfectly poised pointer finger while forming the most perfect, breathless "Wow!" with his mouth.

And Jonas completely contented to hold Basil on his hand.


  1. What a fun outing! And those boys eating pears- a classic "twin atics" shot! It has only just begun. Can't wait to see you all soon!

  2. I like Jonas' car sculpture! Better than most of the stuff I've seen in galleries lately, ha! And those twins getting into mischief together is pretty dang adorable.

  3. Love all of these photos, missing you like crazy as I started a running club hear and hardly anybody comes. I know you would have been my faithful weekly walking buddy.
