Friday, July 12, 2013


My Mom pointed out to me about a month or so ago that Heavenly Father seems to move me a long my life plans faster than I would choose for myself.

I met the man of my dreams at 18 and fresh out of high school, not 23 with a degree and job.

I became pregnant with twins when I was just beginning to feel comfortable with the idea of one more.

And now I'm expecting my fourth baby! Despite the fact Matty and I planned to wait one more year. Despite the fact I was taking birth control.

And we are so excited! 

I had a distinct impression when it was time to have our first baby and then when it was time to add another (which of course turned out to be two babies). And this time I've had that same feeling but it has come afterwards as a feeling of confirmation that this is what Heavenly Father knows is right for our family.

The baby's (babies'?) due date is March 4, which was Jonas' as well! 


  1. Congrats! I cant hardly believe this!

  2. AH! I'm so excited for you! (super surprised too!) Now I get to repay you for your wonderful meal and garden help!

  3. Royall I am delighted to know grandbaby #14 is on its way! And excited that I get to celebrate my retirement next March by helping out with a new baby! You are so great at taking life's surprises in stride. Love you!

  4. Congratulations!!!! I am so excited for you Royall. I will need to plan to come out for a visit:) xoxo

  5. You are a brave woman to consider the possibility of babies again! I thought it, but didn't dare say it out loud. I am SO excited for you!

  6. We're so excited that your family is growing! March can't come soon enough!

  7. Oh my gosh Royall!!!!! I am so happy for you!!! Crazy! YOu are amazing!! Are you sure it is just 1?!
