Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Humble Pie

The victors of the second annual Hunsperger-Harker mini-golf match enjoying their winnings- DQ dipped cones.

Matt and I had humble pie instead. Blech! I hate humble pie. The peanut buster parfait we shared did help to take away a little of the bitter aftertaste though.

Next year will be the tie-breaker (rubber match?) to determine the ultimate victors. The stakes have increased from ice cream at The Scoop last summer, to DQ this year, so next year I think we might have to raise them to say a Chocolate Explosion cake from Boston Pizza or a Key Lime something or other if Mark prefers.

Hunspergers are our closest friends in Lloydminster and here are 10 of the many reasons why:

1. They pretend not to notice when I'm being a poor sport (Matt on the other hand gives me those lofty disapproving glances he is so good at to communicate that I am acting childish) and they are good natured when I boast about winning lame things like Monopoly games.
2. They babysat Jonas when he was only 3 months old, when Matt and I had given them only 15 minutes notice (who does that? Matt and I apparently- which just goes to show what close friends the Hunspergers are because Matt and I seldom ask other people for help and then only those close to us).
3. They were very persistent in befriending us when we moved to Lloydminster. Matt and I are usually reserved around new people so it takes awhile for us to come out of our socially awkward selves. Consequently, I think the Hunspergers had to supply the majority of the conversation, planned activities and invitations for dinner (we're still working on that huge tab) initially. But they never gave up and the pay off is that when Matt and I form friendships they're deep ones so they always last.
4. The Hunspergers are always up for dinner at the Harkers- even for Matt and I's crazy experiments in cooking Indian, Japanese and Vietnamese food, and of course our ubiquitous funeral potatoes.
5. The Hunspergers are always up for any activity we propose- even posing as Riders fans in their rival city Edmonton, which can actually result in a lot of verbal abuse on the LRT (and when you shout Rider sentiments at random Edmonton pedestrians- Mark) we discovered.
6. They always have ideas for fun things to do that we haven't tried before- like making jam, having a mars party and playing soccer in their bounce house.
7. We have fun Halloween parties even when only one kid comes trick-or-treating to their house.
8. They don't mind that we almost always bring a baby (sometimes a grumpy one) in tow now.
9. They jump completely on board with whatever sport Matt and I are currently infatuated with. Last year was the year of golf, this one will be the year of snowboarding, and maybe running too for Kalinda and I.
10. Hunspergers are two of the most loyal, fun-loving, generous people we know!

1 comment:

  1. okay first off I love the idea of Boston Pizza. Second, all those ten reasons you love us is the same reason we love you guys. It has been a long time since I have had a really close girlfriend, and I am truly grateful for our friendship. I can't wait for all the grand adventures we will have together in the future.
