Monday, December 12, 2011


  • calls me in mommy in voice clear as a bell when he needs me. It's the most beautiful sound in the world.
  • wrestles the baby a few times a day, my tummy should be black and blue from all the elbows and knees it gets.
  • loves to snuggle but it's a rough and tumble sort of snuggling. He thinks its affectionate to put his head against Matt and I's and sometimes he does it in a gentle, knocking sort of way which is strange but endearing.
  • goes to sleep like a dream, when Matt or I lay him down he lays perfectly still and stretches his arms above his head.
  • is obsessed with trains, tractors and trucks, in that order.
  • has a very analytical mind like his dad- he likes to study things to see how they work.
  • has a bit of a temper and a very sensitive, self-conscious nature like his mother (he'll cry if people he doesn't know well laugh at him).
  • gets timeouts a couple times a week. He used to cry for a half hour and cling to Matt or I after a time out but now he calmly reads a book in his room for a minute. Sometimes if he sees that look on Matt or I's face that a timeout is in order he says "uh oh".
  • points out his eyes, ears, mouth, nose, head, hands, and tummy.
  • enjoys playing piano with Aunt Karen and doing action songs a lot.
  • has an insatiable sweet-tooth. Usually fruit is his sweet treat but he can hear a crinkling candy wrapper or spot a treat from a mile away. When we have people over and serve dessert he begs from guest to guest for some (even cheesecake- what toddler adores cheesecake?)
  • makes messes all the time- intentionally. If I clean the mirrors or table he rubs his hands all over them, if I put his baskets of toys away he rushes to pull them out again, and one day after I had just put freshly-washed covers on our window bench he started to spit his apple all over them and rub it in with his foot! He likes to send a strong message my efforts to clean while he is awake are futile
  • is so tough about the cold and always has been, he likes playing outside in the snow, to sled and to help shovel.
  • will give me surprise back scratches sometimes when I bring him in bed for snuggle just after he wakes up in the morning.
Sorry the Jonas pictures are so scarce! Our camera is having problems and will need to be replaced on boxing day!


  1. He looks so much like you Royall!

    How is baby #2 doing? Post about him/her!

  2. This is adorable. I miss Jonas!
