Monday, November 28, 2011

Counting the Blessings

This move to Lethbridge from Lloydminster has been a HUGE blessing for our family. It has totally re-confirmed how aware my Heavenly Father is of our family's needs. I miss our friends in Lloyd lots and lots but that has been the only drawback to our move (but it was a big one!)

Here are some of the things we love about living in Lethbridge:

1. Matt LOVES his work. He works for an employee-owned engineering company that offers profit sharing and twice yearly raises. He works with experienced professionals and gets to handle challenging and enjoyable projects (he especially likes the design aspect). He works 40 hours a week. We see him for lunch every weekday. Essentially this is his dream job and he doesn't see himself leaving this company until retirement.

2. Karen, Matt and Eva live here! It's been so fun to live in the same city as Matty's sister and her family. They generously let us live in their house for almost a whole month until we could move into our house! And even now that we're in our house we see them at least every other day.

3. Nana lives here! And Jonas and I can go visit her every week.

4. In 5 years my parents will live within an hour fifteen minutes from our house. And they go to their land lots of weekends so we can meet them at the farm.

5. Matt's parents might retire to Magrath or this area and then Matt and I's kids would get lots and lots of grandparent time. How perfect would that be?!

6.Our location is amazing. Medical/Dental/Vision clinics and a pharmacy just a couple blocks walk away. Church is a 2 minute drive away. All the shopping on Mayor Magrath is also a couple minutes drive away. And we're just a bike ride away from Karen & Matt's house, Henderson Park, Nana's house and Matt's work.

7. Our home feels like home! Much more homier than our last house. And we were even able to lower our mortgage a bit. One of my favorite things is our large backyard. It has a playground, sand box, deck, gardening boxes, a fire pit, and delicious spot under a tree to set up a hammock for reading. Also ten mature trees on our property and if lay on the window seat or couch to read all I see out our window is the tops of trees. I love that! And with updates we could definitely see this as our forever house.

8. There's lots more to do in Lethbridge. It's so easy to plan fun little field trips with Jonas outside the house. He particularly loves to watch the train go around the library ceiling for an hour at a time!

9. The weather really is nice here. I admit I have some mixed feelings about it not being as cold as I'm used to. On the one hand it's nice that in the 12 degree weather yesterday I could run out to the Jeep in bare feet and with wet hair to get something I needed. On the other hand I feel like I should be able to take my son tobogganing by now.

Most of all it's really nice to finally be settled somewhere Matt and I could always see ourselves living.


  1. even though I hate that you left and miss you terribly, I am so happy everything is working out so well for you guys. Mark and I love Lethbridge and would move back in a second if we could.

  2. I'm so glad Matty told us about your blog! And I'm also so glad everything is going well for you guys down there. I loved visiting and checking out the new place, can't wait til I can come again!

  3. So happy that you guys are enjoying Lethbridge. Matt and I were just talking about it the other day and how much we miss that area. I can guarantee that if Matt could get a good job there we would be moving back in a heartbeat!
