Thursday, November 17, 2011

My Very Own Nook

Here's the first house picture. I spend a lot of time curled up like a cat in this corner. It gets the best sunlight in the house so it's always warm and bright. Perfect for napping, reading, thinking, and eating 5 mandarin oranges at a time with Jonas. 
I'm excited to redo the cushions and add some cozy pillows and a throw. Matt wants to build a bird house in front of the window so we can all birdwatch.


  1. well it is only one picture but I already love it. I cant' wait to see the whole thing.

  2. yup, I love it too! Built in benches are the best... and sun, we canadians can never get enough :) can't wait to see more of your house!

  3. I have a little pouch I purchased on Etsy made with this same it!
