Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Top of Utah Half Marathon

At the end of August, Matt, his parents, and I road-tripped down to Logan to do a half-marathon. Matt filled the crucial role of support team. Mom and Dad Stoddard also filled the role of support team as they generously took time off from work to babysit Jonas. Whenever I know Jonas is being well-cared for I can really just enjoy myself without worrying or obsessively missing him- that is until I reach the three day mark! So I really enjoyed this trip! You would have a hard time finding two more open-hearted, kind, and non-judgemental people than Mom and Dad Harker and I thoroughly enjoy spending time with them. I was actually planning to go on this trip whether Matt could come or not! 

Matt and I got to do a temple session in Logan on our 6th wedding anniversary.

We ate amazing food (I had the best clam chowder ever) and stayed at an excellent bed-and-breakfast called the Providence Inn that night. 

Next morning we were up at 5 and I felt ill from nerves. I couldn't eat a single bite of oatmeal. I force-fed myself a banana as we walked to the buses.
It was so peaceful and eerily beautiful as the bus crept up the canyon to the start line. The only light came from the billions of stars overhead.

 Mom and I stuck together through the whole race, running in 5-7 minute intervals before taking a 1 minute walk break. The view was beautiful as the sunlight gradually filled the canyon. The first 6 miles were a gradual descent and we kept our pace gentle and steady (good thing, as it turns out I was pregnant at the time!) At mile 11 my legs had that awful leaden feel from lactic acid build up. Then when we reached mile 12.5 I caught a second wind and the last part of the race was enjoyable.

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