Friday, January 20, 2012

Needs Over Wants

The only debt Matt and I have ever had is our mortgage and our student loans. We've never had credit card debt and we've always bought our vehicles with cash. That is a reflection of the Lord's hand and our parents' good examples rather than any sort of merit or iron discipline on our parts. When we didn't have enough money for groceries as students we bought a big bag of potatoes and raided the less than desirable canned food storage we had at the back of our cupboards. When our cars were broken down and couldn't be fixed then we walked and bussed (and bummed rides- oh how that part humbled my prideful self) where we needed to go until we had the money saved for the repairs.
We were always blessed to have what we needed. 

But now that we have more disposable income I find it's easier to get caught up in wants and for wants to somehow become needs. I feel like Matt and I have mostly done well but I know we could do better. We're not in any way reckless or careless with our money but we also don't plan and cut out unnecessary expenditures as much as we could to pay off student loan debt faster. For example, I've been dreaming up a glorious baby room full of new purchases but I think I would ultimately be happier using what we already have and balancing that with a couple things I want most. And really who would the glorious nursery be for? The baby that only wants to be cared for and loved? Probably not.

After our convocation in May 2009 we set a goal to have our loans paid off in full by February 2015 (when we re-mortgage our house and when interest rates could potentially be much higher or our vehicle may need to be replaced). 

This just came in the mail today and it feels great! It means my Canada Student Loan is non-existent!
We have officially paid off half of our student loan debt so we're on track to our goal of paying off our loans completely in three more years.
Matt and I have been really blessed with opportunities to make extra income to pay off our student loans.
First I got a teaching contract right after graduation.
Then four months of full-time teaching qualified me for full government mat leave pay for a year.
And miraculously we were able to make money on a home we'd only lived in for a year and a half.

We have no idea where the rest of the extra income we need to pay off student loans will come from (except that Matt's company now actually pays the bonuses it promises) but I know if we continue to pay generous fast offerings, a full tithe, and the hardest part of all: 
focus on purchasing what we NEED and avoiding the WANT purchases so much we will continue to be blessed to pay off our student debt.

So here's to help me remember. I have enough. I need to be a careful steward of the money I've been given. And I need to stop thinking about what it would be nice to have and be more mindful and grateful for what I have already been given! Worldly soul that I am that is a challenge!

1 comment:

  1. That's awesome Royall! Congrats on paying on your student loans.... must feel great. We are so close we can taste it.

    I also struggle with wanting EVERYTHING... it is a constant battle. I think I need to visit a 3rd world country to regain some perspective.
