Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Vulcan Tri

I just realized I never did a post on the Vulcan Tri because I was on hiatus at the time. I'd like to at least post photos and write a little about it though because what girl is lucky enough to do a triathlon with both their mom and mom-in-law? I am, and these women inspire me more than I can tell. Mom Stoddard was the one who inspired me to do my first triathlon in Magrath four years ago and Mom Harker inspired me to complete a half-marathon this past August. Right now Mom Stoddard is training for an OLYMPIC triathlon this summer and Mom Harker is training for a MARATHON in May. I love and admire these women so much! They are seriously SUPER-WOMEN!

1 comment:

  1. love it!! still so proud of you. It is taking everything in side of me to hold back from going for a run or going swimming. I can't wait to his the treadmill and swimming pool. 3 more weeks.
