Wednesday, May 9, 2012



Harland has a perfectly round head and face. He also full round cheeks that give him a little bit of a bulldog look. His facial expressions and eyes are very solemn and wise. We like to soul-gaze together, that is he fixes his wide eyes on me for long periods of time. He is the most alert of the babies and he is very aware of his surroundings (his eyes get wide and alarmed if his oldest brother is having a vocal meltdown). He has light hair and the longest fingers and toes you ever saw on a newborn. His limbs are long and slender but very strong. He works patiently away at lifting his head. Harland is mostly calm and contented. He is a very peaceful little being.


Rhett's face is all angles with a defined jawline, high cheekbones, a prominent upper lip, and the cutest Stoddard nose in miniature. He also has a lot of dark hair. He looks a lot like my Dad and I. Rhett is a happy and relaxed baby. He lives to be held and snuggled which he rewards by making the cutest little sounds of utter bliss. If he is sad the slightest touch will usually calm him. And if Harland is taken from the crib and he is left there alone he will sometimes make a chirpy sound to let us know he needs to be snuggled too. And sometimes he just opens one eye like he is checking to make sure someone is still holding him. He is very expressive with his facial expressions and hands and with his eyes open his face takes a sort of impish, curious look to it. Rhett just may be the baby to break the chain of introverts in this family as he is very social and interested in interacting with other people.

We love these little boys who are such their own persons. There will be no individuality problems that's for sure! They have such different looks and personalities!


  1. oh my goodness I love them I can't whip the smile off my face when I look at those adorable little guys. I love there long skinny arms and legs. I am even more excited to see them now.

  2. oh p.s. I love in the one pic that it looks like I think Rhett (hope I got that right) is tickling Harland's armpit and Harland is not to found of that but Rhett thinks it is quit funny. Oh the fun they will have together.

  3. I love this post so much. One week and they already look way more grown up! I'm so excited to see them this weekend.

  4. These are all so adorable! I love the first shot of them in their nighties and the one of Rhett's wrinkly knees!
    I agree with Kalinda, the picture of Rhett with a smirk and Harland yelling "MOM, he's touching me!" may be a sign of things to come...

  5. They are so different! Rhett definitely looks like Jonas and you Royall
