Monday, April 30, 2012

Jonas on His Baby Brothers

  • Everyday several times a day Jonas feels the need to get out of the house which he expresses by repeating "car" over and over again. I think sometimes he feels he needs a bit of a break from the babies. Yesterday as he and Matt pulled out of the driveway he said "Bye babies" in a cheerful little voice. 
  • He likes to tickle the babies' ears and to stick soothers in their mouths.
  • Jonas has a lot of pent-up feelings he can't express which manifest themselves in epic tantrums, usually about silly things and being extra-sensitive. It doesn't take a lot for him to dissolve into tears lately poor little guy.
  • The last two days he loves to hold the babies, Today I showed him the babies can hold onto his pointer finger and he stared fascinated for a few minutes with the smallest little smile on his face as Harland clutched his finger.
  • Whenever Matt or I put one baby in the car Jonas shouts out 'notherone to indicate we're missing a baby.
  • He seems to be able to tell Rhett and Harland apart now or at least he gets them right most of the time.
  • Today he took Rhett's hand and said "Baby one" in a cute little voice, then he held out his own hand and said "Big, big one" in a deep, gruff voice. 
  • Voluntarily brings his brothers cars, trucks and trains when they cry or fuss.