Monday, April 16, 2012

Baby Day!

Baby day is scheduled for this Thursday, April 19. I'm going into the hospital at 6:30 am to get induced. The babies will be 37 weeks and likely a combined weight of 13 pounds by then. They'll both be healthy birthing weights with fully matured lungs which is such a blessing!

I was initially against the idea of being induced but with twins I think it's for the best. I can get an epidural in case of fishing for Baby B or an emergency C-section, the babies can be carefully monitored throughout, and Matt and I and our family members can be prepared to meet Rhett and Harland that day!


Knowing I am going to be bringing home two little bundles this week gives me the energy I need to stock the fridge, change the sheets, get my hair trimmed and give the house a real good clean!


  1. I am SO excited!!!!

    I think what you should really be doing for the next 67 hours is RELAXING!

  2. oh my goodness I am so excited I wish I did not live 7 hours away I want to see them so bad. I know this is a lot to ask but please post pictures as soon as possible, or have Matt do it. You will be in our prayers all week that everything goes well.

  3. Oh my goodness!! I am so excited for you and I agree that it will be very nice to be induced with 2 and you can get your epidural!! Good luck. I will be thinking and praying for you. You are amazing!! I agree with Karen that you should be resting as much as you can but I am sure it is hard when you have lots you want done before they come!! Can't wait to see pictures and hear how it all goes!

  4. THIS WEEK!?! That is craziness! I can't believe its going to be sooo soon. That is crazy crazy. I'm sure it will go well but good luck! You can do it! And depending on if I settle in Lethbridge I would be totally interested in doing crossfit with you! I think you'd really like it.

  5. Hooray! I can't wait to see those cute little faces. And to see Jonas being a big brother. (likely a confused one, at first!) We should be there by 6 or 7 Thurs. evening. In the meantime, you are all in our prayers. (and I am sewing quilts!) Love, Mom
