Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Now that's a tummy!

That's what I look like today at 37 weeks with twins!

9 weeks ago I was standing on a scale while a nurse laughed at the dumbfounded look on my face. 
I weighed the same at that 28 week appointment I did at my 40 week appointment with Jonas.

8 weeks ago I was laughing uncontrollably as an ultrasound technician informed me she was looking at two babies. She calmly told me "Please marm, I know this must be a bit of a shock, but I can't scan your babies if your stomach keeps moving up and down". To which I immaturely responded by trying to stifle an even stronger desire to laugh with intermittent snorts.

This pregnancy has been a roller coaster. It has been far more challenging than my pregnancy with Jonas but I have been so richly blessed through it. Last night as I was sitting in the tub, watching the tennis match as one side of my stomach would move and then the other alternately in response to each other I couldn't stop thinking about the two strong healthy boys I can't wait to hold tomorrow!


  1. I STILL find it tough to believe there are two in there! I'll have to see it to believe it!!

  2. Good luck tomorrow! I'm sure it'll go great! Cant wait to see those two babes
