Saturday, April 21, 2012

Rhett & Harland

Family of 5

Harland Neil and Rhett Roy with Grandpas Neil and Roy

Harland gazing at Mommy

Rhett Roy Harker - 5 pounds 10 ounces - Born 12:15 PM

Harland Neil Harker - 6 pounds 5 ounces - Born 12:20 PM

Best buds


  1. oh my gosh so adorable. can't wait to see them in person. I will be up June 3rd for my nephews blessing and will definitely be coming to see these cuties. Hope things are going well!! can't wait to see more pictures.

  2. p.s. definitely not identical It looks in the pictures that Harland looks a little like Jonas we will see!

  3. Congratulations! They are so lovely!

  4. I LOVE these. I've been counting down the days 'til I can come see 'em!

  5. Yay! You have your body to your self again! just kidding..! They're beautiful! I can't wait to meet those little boys. Love the family picture, but I don't think you're supposed to look that good after pushing out 2 babies...

  6. Congratulations!! I was so excited to see pictures up already!! They are adorable! I can't believe you have a family of 5 just like that. I want to hear about the delivery and how it all went. HOpe all is going well.

  7. I had to look at their pictures again and I can't believe they were born within 5 minutes of each other! Way to go Royall! They were great sizes too! Harland was the exact same weight as Walker and I only had 1. You are amazing! They look so healthy and strong.

  8. That Best Buds picture is precious - so thankful they are here safe and sound! Much love to you and Matt and and your little family!

  9. Awwww, they are so sweet! Congratulations Royall and Matt (and Jonas)
