Friday, April 13, 2012

Channeling my Calmer Patient Self

Yesterday I had false labor again. It felt really painful and intense but irregular so I debated whether it was the real thing. In the end I decided to go into the hospital since my doctor said I should have gone in last time I had false labor just in case and since I had an afternoon appointment at the hospital yesterday anyway I thought I could sneak in for my non-stress test early.

I dropped Jonas off at Aunt Karen's, picked up Matt and drove to the hospital. A few hours later after my cervix had been checked a couple times and my appointment had been finished a couple hours early. The babies as usual monitored beautifully (the ultrasound showed with little doubt that Rhett has that funny upper lip that pokes out like Jonas, my Dad, and I) and my cervix was declared thin but not dilated.

Apparently the hospital had been trying to call me that morning anyway to see if I could come in early so I didn't inconvenience the hospital staff but I felt really stupid anyway. Karen had been watching Jonas while Eva was sick and Matt had taken the day off of work.

Now that my worst fear of being sent home from the hospital with false labor has been realized I feel more relaxed and somehow more mentally prepared for when I do go into labor like it was a rehearsal. The babies will come when they are ready. Next time I get contractions, I'll patiently time them. And if this pregnancy lasts until 37.5-38 weeks getting an induction might be just as well as it will ensure that I get an epidural.

Right now I wouldn't be surprised if I make it to 37 weeks or so because let's be real, my torso is the stretch limo of torsos. My babies get a roomy ride which means they are content to stay put for longer. So I'm going to stop complaining and just be grateful I have more time to prepare. Today and tomorrow that means yard work, gardening, and celebrating Matt's 30th birthday.


  1. Hooray for you! I am so impressed with your calm throughout this pregnancy. You are a great example to me of following the Lord's plan for you whatever that might be. We bought a carbon monoxide detector today! And Happy Birthday Matt!

  2. Man, you're such a trooper, Royall! I'm so excited to come meet those babies that I can hardly stand it! Oh and I gotta say, that "stretch limo of torsos" comment absolutely killed me. Ha!

  3. More time to prepare = more sleep = more sanity!!!

    Hang in there - it won't be long!
