Thursday, July 5, 2012

My Kitty

Rhett is like a kitty because

a) the corners of his mouth are upturned so he is perpetually smiling

b) he doesn’t like being wet, at least not initially
c) likes to lay out in the sun on our window seat
d) has a soft velvety head that he likes to have petted
e) is very fond of laying on people’s laps
f) makes mewing noises
g) flicks his little tongue out, sometimes to taste my arm

This is the most social baby I have ever witnessed. He is quite a conversationalist already. His repertoire of hand gestures, facial expressions and tones is already extensive. He has a very charming and winsome way with people. He has a flair for the dramatic and he gets quite indignant if his theatrics don't win him the attention he craves. He wants very close physical contact, singing, talking, reading and eye contact ALL the time. 

He has lots of elaborate tricks to make sure he gets as much attention as he can. 

Trick 1: Spit out his soother in disgust if he senses it is being offered as a substitute for attention and holding.

Trick 2: Never eat enough to be completely full. Thus he constantly needs to be fed, and thus held.

Trick 3: Cooing and smiling in the most engaging way to arrest your complete attention.

Trick 4: Occasionally opening one eye a crack while sleeping to make sure he is still being held.

Trick 5: Screaming bloody murder in his dreadful high-pitched nails-on-a-chalkboard screech at the top of his lungs if he finds he is no longer being snuggled.

Trick 6: When screech has earned him a ticket to being picked up he does a hoarse throaty cry that suggests he has been crying neglected for hours to make you feel guilty.

Dear little soul, no wonder he needed a twin! 

His face says it all. What a character!

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