Thursday, August 23, 2012


In the mornings during the babies' second awake time I spend an hour doing tummy time, singing time, sitting time, feeding time and story time (if Jonas gets bored playing on his own by then). My house usually looks like a fright and I look like an even bigger fright but I'm trying really hard to focus on being present in the moment and enjoying time with my boys. It is gradually getting easier to push my to-do list out of mind for that hour with the babies and the subsequent hour with Jonas (when the babies are laid down to sleep) so I'm making progress.

It is adorable to have two babies holding hands, wriggling, smiling, and holding their breath in excited anticipation as they lay next to each other and watch my hands and my face.

I love when one of them spots the other across the room all of a sudden their face lights up and they smile like 
"Hey, there's my best friend!"

1 comment:

  1. I loved singing time at this age with macie, the starring, watching, observing mom being silly. She still likes singing time now but it does not light up her face like it use too. How quickly they grow up.
