Saturday, August 11, 2012


Hardly a still moment around here to take photos and write about our growing and very active family!
The twins are so fun! We are in the honeymoon stage of big smiles and baby conversations. The babies even smile and talk to each other. 

I've never heard a baby tell so many sad stories as Harland does! He talks in a mournful, sad little voice that breaks your heart. Unfortunately since he seems to be in discomfort half his awake time he has a lot of sad stories. His surgery is booked for a year and he gets ear tubes in five weeks. Harland does seem to have more happy waking moments now too and he's so content to be held by Matt and I. He had an 11-5 sleep the other night! Wonderful baby!

Rhett has discovered a love of the Jolly Jumper. Pretty much the first thing he did was a 360 turn on one toe. He's also been rolling around for a while. And of course he as been talking for ages. Rhett seems to be a bit a of a happy go lucky baby and he has inherited Matt's ability to be a natural at pretty much everything. His being is so full of joy it amazes me. 

Jonas has transitioned from the melt-downs and passive-aggressive behavior towards the babies into being an interested older brother and a great helper. He has become more snuggly since the babies came into the family and I've been soaking it up for fear that stage will end soon too. Yesterday, Matt, Jonas and I were having a water fight and it was great to hear his great belly laughs and to see him prancing around happily. Alone time with Jonas is extra precious now so Matt and I are starting "dates" with him one-on-one next week. He is maturing so fast and his vocabulary and sentence structure increases daily. Every so often throughout the day when he wants to reconnect with me after I've been busy feeding babies or he's been playing alone he comes up to me and says "Hi, how are you?" in his cute voice.

Matt has been enjoying his projects at work. His good work ethic and problem solving skills have been impressing his bosses at work. This job has been such a huge blessing in our family's life. He is such a hands on Dad and Jonas still continues to idolize him.

I've been trying to establish good habits and routines in my life but as far as routines go I'm learning (been forced) to be more flexible. My house feels disorganized and untidy many days but I am trying to spend the most time on my most important priority- family. I keep rereading Uchtdorf's talk from a few conferences ago, "Of Things That Matter Most" to remind myself to rejoice in life rather than be bogged down in stress. Slowly (painfully slowly) I am making progress.


  1. I love the picture of Jonas with his name. Cute little boy. And it's seriously so adorable he checks in to reconnect.

    Also I would totally love to do a once a week workout together. I feel like you're super hardcore, as you've always been, but I'll try to keep up.

    Im excited we'll be living in the same city. It's been eight years since that happened. Crazy.

  2. I love this happy post! It sounds like things are settling in so nicely. I can't wait to see you all again soon!

  3. What is wrong with Harland? Poor boy! How did you find out there was a problem? It sounds like things will be better soon.
