Monday, May 20, 2013

Harls at 8 months

-says "mama" and "eh" all the time
-has the widest grin that stretches across his whole face
- inhales so sharply when he is excited (when he hears the bath running for instance) that is momentarily incapable of breathing
-has a koala bear hold on me most the day, sometimes I find myself wishing for a kangaroo pouch I could put him in, because he wants to be close to me all the time

- gets the saddest "sad" face I've ever seen if I dare to put him down for a moment, those eyes kill me
-sets his jaw if he is determined to do something Matt or I don't want him to do
-has a sharkfin on top of his head

-loves any and all vegetables
-does a funny prancing tap dance with a huge grin when Matt walks him into the tub for his bath
-is a sensitive soul who is gentle and kind
-has the skinniest little limbs but is somehow still so snuggly

1 comment:

  1. Have you tried Harls in a Moby wrap? Amy made me one and Russ tried it on with JACK in it to see if it would hold. The pictures are hilarious!
