Monday, May 20, 2013

Rhett at 8 months

-oh, Rhettles, vivacious, energetic, forceful
-he is very forward and direct and he doesn't percieve anything in the way of his goal as an insurmountable obstacle, this guy is confident!
-for all that he has the softest whispery sing-songy voice he speaks his own language in

-he gives me love nips on my shoulder and my stomach (I have a purple bite mark on my shoulder this instant so that hasn't changed in the last 5 months!)
-he is agile like a cat, he likes to climb, and somehow mostly lands gracefully from his falls
-has the sparkliest forget-me-not blue eyes
-crinkles his nose
-says "dada", "gullagulla" and "goyagoya" a lot

-body slams me and pillows if either of us is innocently resting on the floor
-still can't get enough of music- he has a natural groove

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