Here are some funny things about my little five-month old monkey:
- He is very sensitive to tones and looks. The other day Matt and I sang a couple lines of "I love Jonas" to the ironman song. The result was a trembling lip and tear filled eyes. So no more hard rock, only classical and Primary songs.
- Speaking of classical music, Jonas and I listen to it nearly everyday when I make dinner before Matt comes home. No matter how hard I try to convert him Jonas won't like Beethoven. Mozart? Of course. Handel? Absolutely. Debussy? Sure. Beethoven? Definitely not. It makes him irritable.
- My worldly little baby loves to survey all his personal possessions. When I hold him in front of his bookcase his eyes light up and he can pull his toy basket out of the second shelf by himself.
- Jonas' new trick today is to open and close his jaw in a very exaggerated way without talking. It reminds me of a fish breathing underwater. Last weekend his favorite trick was sucking on his bottom lip.
- One of Jonas' favorite thing to do during the day is to "wrestle" with me. Wrestling mostly consists of Jonas laying on my tummy while we roll side to side and the "Burmese tiger cub" and I alternately pretending to eat each others' necks. It gets a lot of giggles but I think I might be unintentionally teaching him to be aggressive. Yesterday he seized me really tight by the braid on either side of the top of head, pulled my face to his, and rubbed his slobbery open mouth all over it before giggling maniacally.
- He jumps like crazy in his Jolly Jumper now. Not only is it entertaining for him, it's very entertaining to watch. Matt and I really crack up once he gets going.
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