is Lake Lillian. It will be a considerably shorter trip than the West Coast Trail Dad and I hiked last year. Matt and I don't want to leave Jonas longer than a night, and there is also a Low family reunion the same weekend. But even if it's only for a day and a half I'm glad Matt, Dad, and I can do it and I really hope the three of us can make backpacking an annual tradition. I've really been craving a backpacking trip. I love how simple life seems when you have set a goal to reach a beautiful place and there is only you, your pack and the trail ahead of you. Kind of like the journey that is life except that life has so many more distractions. I've been thinking a lot lately about what those distractions and how I can eliminate or prioritize them to make reaching my eternal goal simpler.
One of my greatest joys has always been being outdoors in nature. It is so much easier to think clearly and connect to who I am there. I've always been a person who treasures quiet time to ponder and reflect and I find I do that best early in the morning and in nature. I'm lucky to have a Dad who is equally passionate (or probably more since I can't boast some sort of hiking/camping/canoeing/snowshoeing adventure every other weekend) about being outdoors so he always has a fun outing planned whenever I visit (he has already figured out how to take Jonas cross country skiing with us this winter).
I've also been craving a snowboard trip but I guess I'll have to wait a few more months for that.
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