Monday, February 27, 2012

Feeling grateful...

  • that there isn't one monstrously huge baby violently moving in my body (I was really starting to wonder)
  • it is healthy for me to gain up to 54 pounds with this pregnancy (I'm already past the 25-35 pound gold standard for a single pregnancy)
  • for a ridiculously long torso that is ridiculously practical for carrying babies
  • I find out the babies' gender(s) today! I'm feeling really confident it's a boy and girl even though there is only one placenta which except in very rare situations indicates identical twins. Matt thinks two girls.
  • for all the generous offers of help and support! 


  1. I have a twin brother and there was only one placenta. So, you never know.

    I am so excited for you!

  2. Cant wait to find out what you're having!
