Sunday, April 8, 2012

Slow Curtain, The End

I'm thirty-five and a half weeks today which means the longest I will be pregnant for is two more weeks. For most of this last trimester I've felt like I've been living in someone else's body.

My body is unrecognizable to me now. It's even more disheartening to think on what it will look like after the babies. Like a deflated air balloon I imagine. I am grateful for a sturdy, strong body to house my two active little boys (who weigh eleven pounds combined) but it's hard to be positive about the way I look when I can barely find a top and bottom to cover my stomach. And when I feel the eyes of strangers staring at my enormous girth, probably thinking as a stranger unkindly expressed aloud the other day "You poor dear!"

My body feels weary and heavy. When I move it's with the slow, ponderous steps of an elephant. And in the night I can barely roll myself out of bed. A few days ago I woke up on Jonas bed at 9:30 in the morning with no recollection of either having fallen asleep an hour before or of a barrel full of monkeys climbing into my jungle of hair.

When will I stop feeling worn out? Not after I deliver two newborns I imagine.

Please, please, please don't anyone ever utter that abominable phrase "2-for-1" within my hearing.


  1. I read an article about getting your pre-pregnancy body back the other day and basically it said that our bodies are designed to do amazing things and that if you treat your body right (eating healthy and exercising), that it is meant to go back to how it was pre-pregnancy. I'm sure this pregnancy must be tough. But you are tough too. You can do it Royall! And there will be plenty of people willing to help.

  2. you truly are amazing Royall and I know you are probably not feeling it right now but you were glowing when I saw you this weekend and looked incredible.
