Monday, April 23, 2012

What Jonas Did Without His Parents

He pretty much had the most fun time ever.

My Mom and Dad came up Wednesday night and I was super nervous leaving Jonas early Thursday morning because I thought there would be a meltdown when he saw Matt and I leaving for the hospital.
Grandma took him downstairs to see "papa" and he never missed us a moment since (though he did have Dad come home every night. One night Matty said Jonas knelt on the back on his legs during prayer and just hugged onto his back and he got to see me in the hospital everyday where he would snuggle in bed next to me while we shared a treat). 

Jonas got to play outside for three hours straight every morning, including riding the tractor Grandma and Grandpa bought!

Jonas was happy when he came home from church on Sunday to find the babies had come home from the hospital! He has been adapting better than I could have hoped. Most of the time he goes about his day like normal but he likes to come see and spend some time with the babies every so often.
He is going to be such a great big brother!
Grandma has already taught him the art of using the diaper genie so he has been eagerly disposing of the baby diapers!


  1. That tractor is AMAZING.
    And your boys are so cute. Love them!

  2. agreed coolest tractor ever! I am honestly jealous I want one for Macie and for myself. All is looking well like I knew it would, I think I might even be able to tell who is who from this picture. Rhett is on my right and Harland on my left? Let me know if I am right

  3. What a sweet boy he is. He is going to be a wonderful big brother.

  4. Those boys will have such great times together growing up!
