Matt and I can't believe how often we still get asked whether the twins are identical. They are very distinct individuals in looks and personality which makes bonding with them separately so easy!
Rhett is a charming.
Sometimes I don't know how to relate to this little boy with the magnetic personality that just seems to draw people around him with ease. He is so self-assured and has natural ease about him.
He is very direct if he feels his needs are not getting met.
He looks me eyes and tells me.
He is a clear communicator if his needs are being met too.
He gives all sorts of heart melting smiles and coos.
Rhett is such a precocious baby he has even begun imitating adult speech in an advanced sort of goo-goo gaga way that sends Matt and I are into silent, shaking laughter.
He has boundless energy but without the sense of purpose Jonas had.
Sometimes Rhett doesn't know what he wants to do and he whips his head back and forth and shakes his limbs and wiggles in his torso in a frenzy of undirected energy.
He is such a special boy with a gift of making you feel so loved and he is altogether so lovable and irrepressible we all adore our little Rhettles.

Harland feels like the baby of the family. He loves to be near me all the time right now. He nestles into my shoulder and clings to my shirt with a hand to make sure he is really attached. When I put him down to sleep he makes the most devastated sounds like his beautiful little world has just crumbled down.
People tend to think of Harland as the serious one that doesn't smile but he mostly saves his smiles for Matt and I. He smiles just as much as Rhett at home but he needs to spend a lot of time around people before he feels comfortable and lets down his reserve. When he cracks a smile, he grins from ear to ear and completely transforms his face.
Harland also loves to laugh. And Matty, Jonas and and all like to be silly for a chance to hear that hearty laugh.
Harland has an incredible focus that seems to be his especial gift.
I can read scriptures or stories to him and he will just be still and concentrate on my voice or the pictures.
We love these little boys who have turned our lives upside down on its head!