Friday, November 9, 2012


Matt (on the new paint color on our wall): What color is it Jonas?

Jonas: Blue. Dark blue. (Matt and I laughed when Jonas said dark with emphasis).

Bet you didn't think you would see blue in our house again. At least not if you know our painting backstory. Matty has already painted over several blue walls, the owners before the last were obsessed with the color.

I'll show pictures when it's done whether it's a success or a disaster like the awful red bathroom experiment in our last house!

1 comment:

  1. can't wait to see it. That is so funny that you painted dark blue, last week I was considering painting my bedroom and bathroom Navy Blue with a white trim then a light white color up top, or all navy blue with one stripe of some color that would look fabulous with navy blue. If your looks as good as I think it will it might excite me even more to try out my thought.
