Thursday, November 22, 2012

Nephi Gets the Brass Plates

I know Jonas is a very smart boy and a interested learner but I've been caught off guard by how keen he is to learn the scripture stories. Perhaps it is because being a nursery worker three times has taught me it is hard to hold a group of 2 year olds attention for a scripture story longer than two minutes or maybe it is because Jonas didn't seem excited about our nightly scripture study, I underestimated his capacity and enthusiasm for spiritual learning.

Which is quite humbling. I remember someone in the Bonnie Doon stake Primary presidency saying children are able to be understand spiritual concepts years ahead of their comprehension in other areas. And I've been finding that is true. I can tell that the truths resonate with Jonas. And he is hungry to learn more about them everyday.

He likes to hear and talk about Nephi and Lehi obeying God. Everyday, sometimes a couple times a day, he brings me the flannel board to act out a story, or we will sing the Nephi's Courage together or we will talk about the scripture pictures in his children's Book of Mormon for a long time as we lay in his bed.

So while Jonas has been learning about Newphi I've been learning more about Jonas!

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