Friday, December 14, 2012


Jonas started to get interested in letters a couple months ago. He calls them abcs.

To encourage him in a non-pushy, take-it-at-your-own-pace kind of way we drive cars over the letters of his name and sing the alphabet song. We talk about the shape of the letters in his name while we build with letter blocks and Jonas "writes" abcs on his clipboard while I make a grocery list on mine.

Then yesterday he told me he made abcs. I came over to his easel and he had made "j"s, "s"s, and "o"s!

So of course I said," High five!"

And then Jonas, so matter of factly, stuck the crayon up his nose to free up his left hand for a high five.

Clever boy.


  1. Gosh, that is awesome! Your boys are so big... writing and crawling (and not):) I love catching a glimpse of the Harker life every couple months :)
