Monday, December 10, 2012

This Wonderful Auntie...

has single-handedly saved two of her nephews from the convenient clutches of canned baby food. Karen is my hero. She sets the best example of healthy, moderate eating I have ever witnessed. And she insists that my babies deserve nothing but the freshest, healthiest and yummiest food. She has already made two months worth of baby food for two babies. That is dedication.

And the babies are feeling really happy about it.

Now I'm trying to get Jonas to eat better like Eva, who thrives on vegetables.
Today we drank water like elephants (straws) and had a puppy picnic of roasted butternut squash dipped in syrup, which Jonas made with me.

This would have been so much easier if I'd been less laissez-faire about Jonas trying new foods when he started to get picky about food after his first birthday.

1 comment:

  1. You know I love making baby food! It's so satisfying for me to watch R & H grow up healthy and strong!!!!

    Your puppy picnic sounds like so much fun!
